Danny DeVito, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis: The Best Celebrity Guest Stars In Friends
Friends was one of the most popular TV shows of the 1990s and early 2000s, and remains a beloved classic today. While the show's main cast members wer...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a cult classic television series that has been praised for its portrayal of strong female characters, witty dialogue, and ground-breaking feminist storylines. However, recent revelations about the show's toxic set and the behaviour of its creator, Joss Whedon, have sparked controversy and prompted fans to re-examine the show's legacy. There are several reported allegations of mistreatment on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer noting Whedon’s controversial behaviour towards the cast and crew. These revelations have affected the show's fans and its place in popular culture.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a cult classic television series that has been praised for its portrayal of strong female characters, witty dialogue, and ground-breaking feminist storylines. However, recent revelations about the show's toxic set and the behaviour of its creator, Joss Whedon, have sparked controversy and prompted fans to re-examine the show's legacy. There are several reported allegations of mistreatment on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer noting Whedon’s controversial behaviour towards the cast and crew. These revelations have affected the show's fans and its place in popular culture.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a cult classic television series
that has been praised for its portrayal of strong female characters, witty
dialogue, and ground-breaking feminist storylines. However, recent revelations
about the show's toxic set and the behaviour of its creator, Joss Whedon, have
sparked controversy and prompted fans to re-examine the show's legacy. There
are several reported allegations of mistreatment on the set of Buffy the
Vampire Slayer noting Whedon’s controversial behaviour towards the cast and
crew. These revelations have affected the show's fans and its place in popular
Decades after the show ended, creator Joss Whedon (who was
once seen as a feminist icon) has been called out in allegations of emotional
abuse and mistreatment of women on set.
Charisma Carpenter, known for playing Cordelia Chase in
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, made serious allegations against Joss
Whedon in February 2021. In a tweet, she accused Whedon of repeatedly abusing
his power, describing him as "casually cruel" and a
"vampire". Carpenter claimed that Whedon made derogatory comments
about her weight and mocked her religious beliefs. She also disclosed that
Whedon threatened to fire her several times, which he eventually did.
Carpenter initially auditioned for the lead role in the
supernatural drama series Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1996, but she was cast as
Cordelia Chase, a popular and conceited high school student, instead. She
portrayed the character for three seasons on Buffy before being offered a more
prominent role also as Cordelia Chase in the spin-off series Angel opposite
David Boreanaz. Carpenter played the character for four seasons on Angel, and
while her character departs the show during the fourth season, she returned to
appear in the 100th episode during the fifth and final season.
It was her departure in Season 4 of Angel, that lead
Charisma Carpenter to speak out on social media in 2021. She wrote, “Joss intentionally refused multiple calls
from my agents making it impossible to connect with him to tell him the news
that I was pregnant… Finally, once Joss was apprised of the situation, he
requested a meeting with me. In that closed-door meeting, he asked me if I was
'going to keep it' and manipulatively weaponized my womanhood and faith against
me. He proceeded to attack my character, mock my religious beliefs, accuse me
of sabotaging the show, and then unceremoniously fired me the following season
once I gave birth. ”
In 2003, Joss Whedon was asked by TV Guide why Charisma
Carpenter would not be returning for any more Angel episodes despite being one
of the main characters. He said that, “Mainly because we felt like we had taken
that story — just like Buffy for seven years — about as far as it could go.. It
just seemed like a good time for certain people to move on.”
Charisma Carpenter's allegations against Joss Whedon were
corroborated by her co-stars Amber Benson and Michelle Trachtenberg. Benson
stated on social media that "Buffy was a toxic environment and it starts
at the top" and that Carpenter was "speaking truth" and that, “there
was a lot of damage done during that time and many of us are still processing
it 20-plus years later.”
Trachtenberg alleged that Whedon's behaviour toward her when
she was a teenager was "Very. Not. Appropriate." She later revealed
that there was a rule on set preventing Whedon from being alone with her in a
Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar also supported the alleged
victims and distanced herself from Whedon, “While I am proud to have my name
associated with Buffy Summers, I don’t want to be forever associated with the
name Joss Whedon. I am more focused on raising my family and surviving a
pandemic currently, so I will not be making any further statements at this
time. but I stand with all survivors of abuse and am proud of them for speaking
Michelle Trachtenberg responded by saying, “Thank you
@sarahmgellar for saying this. I am brave enough now as a 35 year old woman….To
repost this. Because. This must. Be known. As a teenager. With his not
appropriate behavior….very. Not. Appropriate.”
Writer Jose Molina spoke out against Whedon's behaviour,
describing him as "cruel" and stating that he enjoyed making
female writers cry. Other Buffy and Angel co-stars, including David Boreanaz,
James Marsters, Anthony Stewart Head, Eliza Dushku, J. August Richards, and Amy
Acker, also voiced their support for the alleged victims.
Charisma Carpenter has stated that the reason she spoke out
about Joss Whedon on Twitter in 2021 was that she had a responsibility to actor
Ray Fisher and others about her experiences with Joss Whedon. She also used the
hashtag “#IStandWithRayFisher” in her tweet.
In July 2020, allegations were made by Justice League actor
Ray Fisher that Joss Whedon had displayed "gross, abusive, unprofessional,
and completely unacceptable" behaviour towards the cast and crew. He even went
as far as to say that Whedon could sue him for slander if he believed the
allegations to be false. The following
month, WarnerMedia launched an investigation into Whedon's behaviour while
directing Justice League. Jason Momoa supported Fisher's allegations, stating
that "serious stuff went down" and writing about "the shitty way
[they] were treated" during the Justice League reshoots.
In December 2020, Gal Gadot spoke to the Los Angeles Times
about her experience working with Whedon, stating that it was not "the
best" but that she had brought her concerns to the higher-ups and they had
addressed them. Reports later emerged that Whedon had asked Gadot to film a
sexually suggestive scene in Justice League, but she had refused and a body
double was used instead. Gadot also revealed in an interview with Entertainment
Weekly that Whedon had threatened her career during reshoots, stating that if
she did not comply with his demands, he would make her career difficult.
Whedon made a statement in January 2022 claiming that Gadot
had "misunderstood" him due to her not being a native English speaker
and also referred to Ray Fisher as a "bad actor in both senses".
Additionally, he stated that he had never worked with a more impolite group of
people than the rest of the Justice League cast. In response, Gadot affirmed
that she understood everything perfectly and declared that she would not
collaborate with Whedon again in the future.
After she spoke out publicly, Ray Fisher thanked Charisma Carpenter
on social media for speaking out saying, "Charisma Carpenter is one of the
bravest people I know. I am forever grateful for her courage and for her
lending her voice to the Justice League investigation. Read her truth. Share
her truth. Protect her at all costs. 'It is time.' A>E #IStandWithCharisma
Many fans of Buffy The Vampire Slayer have enjoyed the
series for decades due to its feminist message, portrayal of strong women and empowering
storylines especially when it comes to portraying one of the first real lesbian
relationships on screen. This U-turn of reality illuminated by Charisma
Carpenter and Gal Gadot has been very disappointing and hurtful for long
standing fans who have championed Whedon’s work, bought tickets to conventions
to see him and have ultimately boosted his career. It has led to many Buffy and
Angel fans asking whether it is still possible to enjoy art when it is separated
from its creator or are you always supporting its origins that have now been
revealed as tyrannical. This situation seems to be familiar for entertainment
fans across the world who have seen many of their favourite creators descend
into vocal figures in a culture war usually on the more vocal and destructive
side including J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter phenomenon who has
now spoken out online around transsexuality. Graham Linehan is another example
of this, his strong views have made many fans of his sitcoms Father Ted and The
IT Crowd stop to think about whether they should be supporting such shows.
According to Carpenter, Whedon found his alleged misconduct
to be amusing and directed particular cruelty towards her during her pregnancy,
even going so far as to call her "fat" in front of the rest of the
cast and crew. Carpenter revealed that her pregnancy experience and her joy of
being a new mother were ruined due to Whedon's behaviour, which caused her
tremendous stress.
“For nearly two decades, I have held my tongue and even made
excuses for certain events that traumatize me to this day”, Charisma writes. “The
disturbing incidents triggered a chronic physical condition from which I still
suffer. It is with a beating, heavy heart that I say I coped in isolation and,
at times, destructively.” It is an upsetting read for many Buffy fans,
especially when Charisma Carpenter details that Joss Whedon’s behaviour stopped
her experiencing the joys of pregnancy and that it triggered a life-long
Eliza Dushku, who portrayed Faith in Buffy and collaborated
with Joss Whedon on other productions, conveyed her sympathy for Carpenter in
an Instagram statement. She expressed how her “heart aches” for Carpenter and
praised her statement for being powerful yet painful, leaving an indelible
impression on everyone who reads it. She ended by thanking Carpenter for
sharing her story, adding that she had not known about it before but will never
forget it.
Charisma Carpenter's co-star David Boreanaz, who played the lead role in the Buffy spin off Angel, wrote in response to her on Twitter saying, “I am here for you to listen and support you... Proud of your strength.” Carpenter then responded, “I know you’re there for me, David. I appreciate all you’ve done to demonstrate that support privately as well... Thank you so much.”
Amy Acker, who starred as Winifred Burkle in Angel stated, “I will always be proud of the work we all did on Angel. While I personally had a good and professional experience, it is heart-breaking to hear that not everyone did. I do not condone any actions that made anyone feel hurt or uncomfortable, and I offer love and support to everyone who is speaking out to tell their truths.”
Julie Benz, who played Darla on both Buffy and Angel said, “My heart goes out to all victims of abuse. Sending love to my fellow Buffy and Angel survivors. I stand with you and support you.”
However the alleged misconduct was not the only problem for
actors on set of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Anthony
Stewart Head have spoken out about the difficulties they faced while filming
due to incredibly long hours and gruelling shooting schedules.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s sexual themes, mainly surrounding
Buffy and Spike’s relationship, did not sit well with Sarah Michelle Gellar who
played the lead either. She has shared in interviews that a particular moment
felt uncomfortable and not within her character’s nature.
After Buffy’s second tragic death in Season 5, Willow and
the rest of the Scoobies use dark magic to bring her back except they didn’t
consider that she may have been better off where she was. Buffy comes back but
isn’t the same; she is a lot more introspective and tells Spike that she was
pulled out of Heaven. Spike has harboured a long time crush on Buffy,
fantasising about having sex with her and getting his frustrations out by
fighting her. In one Season 6 episode “Smashed”, the pair have a sexually
charged fight that ends up in them finally becoming physical with one another
leading to a storyline of regular “hook ups” in which Buffy attempts to feel
something away from her depression.
Sarah Michelle Gellar has spoken about one of these moments
in the episode “Dead Things” (Season 6 Episode 13) where Spike and Buffy have
sex on the balcony at the Bronze Night Club while looking at her friends below.
The pair discusses what the Scoobies reaction would be if they knew they were
having a sexual relationship. Buffy shuts her eyes at the thought but Spike demands
she opens them to watch her friends while their “relationship” is right under
their noses. He wants her to stay in the dark shadows of life with him. Gellar
told Entertainment Weekly that, "I really thought that was out of
character. And I didn't like what it stood for. That was the moment that I had
the most problems with. Joss [Whedon]… always said that I didn't understand
[this season] because I've always known what I wanted to do, and I didn't have
that confusion, [that] dark, depressive period. But I think the heart of the
show lies in the humour of the drama. I felt like Buffy's spirit was
Buffy and Angel writer Stephen S. DeKnight said in an interview with CityOfAngel (dot com) that he understood why Sarah Michelle Gellar was uncomfortable with that scene stating, “I wish that I could say it was my idea but it's something Joss Whedon had in the back of his head for a year”.
From these comments, it seems like Joss Whedon’s work life
at the time was fraught with outbursts, questionable comments and a grim desire
to put his performers into sexually charged scenes they did not want to
participate in. Unfortunately this theme continues into his personal life as
his Wife at the time Kai Cole documented in a personal essay exposing Whedon of
adultery and using his power on the Buffy set to have affairs with employees.
Cole was married to Whedon for 21 years and in 2017 she
revealed him to be “hypocrite preaching feminist ideals” and accused him of
having multiple affairs, mainly on the set of Buffy, using their marriage “as a
shield” for his misuse of power. She stated that she felt it was important to
speak out because she did not want to be "complicit" in Whedon's behaviour,
and she hoped that her story would encourage others to come forward with their
own experiences. Charisma Carpenter, Ray Fisher, Gal Gadot, Sarah Michelle
Gellar, Michelle Trachtenberg and Amber Benson to name a few have all come out with
similar stories since.
Vulture profiled Joss Whedon in January 2022 with the
headline, “The Undoing of Joss Whedon: The Buffy creator, once an icon of
Hollywood Feminism, is now an outcast accused of misogyny. How did he get here?”
Journalist Lila Shapiro asked Whedon about his (now confirmed in the profile)
infidelity on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer set. He claimed that he felt “fucking
terrible about them”.
Shapiro later writes, “He quickly added that he had felt he
“had” to sleep with them, that he was “powerless” to resist…” He responded
with, “I’m not actually joking” and Shapiro explains his thought process, “He
had been surrounded by beautiful young women — the sort of women who had
ignored him when he was younger — and he feared if he didn’t have sex with
them, he would “always regret it.” Looking back, he feels shame and “horror”.”
The Vulture profile reads as if Whedon wanted to use it as an opportunity to clear his name after the many allegations of misconduct and misogyny but, in reality, his blasé comments about Women and his feelings towards them, have just cemented Whedon’s image as one akin to a demon Buffy would have fought from the Hellmouth.
“If I was in his shoes, I would have killed me off” – James Marsters
on Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum
We’ve heard from many women on the Buffy The Vampire Slayer
set of their issues with Joss Whedon but it wasn’t just the female cast who got
into some difficult situations with the show’s creator. James Marsters who
plays the blonde, Billy Idol-esque vampire Spike on Buffy spoke in an interview
on “Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum” about a violent encounter with Whedon.
Rosenbaum previews the episode with the line, “James opens
up more this time on the hostile working conditions on the set of Buffy the
Vampire Slayer and what it was like to work with creator Joss Whedon”.
Marsters states that “everyone had their own experience” on
the set and that Whedon was not joking when, “he pushed [him] up against the
wall… he’s in [his] face [saying] ‘I don’t care how popular you are, Kid. You
are dead, you are dead, you are dead, you got me?”
He explained that Whedon got heated about the audience
reaction to his character Spike and how they found him to be “sexy” which was
not intended in the script.
“One sexy vampire
that was not going to be killed off, that was Angel and I was supposed to come
in and get killed off and the audience immediately reacted to me in a way that
was going to make it very difficult to kill me off and the network was telling
him ‘oh my god keep this guy on the show’ and all of … I was basically ruining
his show”
Marsters explained that the pressure Whedon was under to
keep Spike in the show was going to take the storyline from his desired one
where evil was something to overcome to one “where those problems are kind of
Despite this tale, Marsters said he still respected Joss
Whedon and agreed with his storyline choices in the show.
Being involved in a show with such an enduring legacy like
Buffy The Vampire Slayer is seen on the outside as the ideal, the cast must
have won the jackpot in terms of reruns, international recognition and a whole
host of memories from making such an important TV show. However, the
allegations against Joss Whedon have shed light on the darker side of the
entertainment industry and for fans it is truly upsetting to hear how those
portraying their beloved characters do not see their time on the production as
special as it was for audiences.
The testimonies of Charisma Carpenter, Amber Benson,
Michelle Trachtenberg, and many others have revealed a pattern of abusive behaviour
and toxicity that occurred behind the scenes. Their brave and necessary testimonies
raise important questions about the responsibilities of those in power and the
need for better safeguards to protect young individuals in the industry.
The aftermath of these allegations has also demonstrated the
importance of speaking out against abuse and holding individuals accountable
for their actions, even when they are in positions of authority and are seen as
a figurehead within the fan community. It is important to break down that façade.
Unfortunately these allegations mean that the legacy of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be forever marred by the actions of its creator,
but it will also remind audiences of the courage of those who have spoken out
against him and how important standing up against abuse is. Joss Whedon may
have believed he was making a show about characters slaying evil, vampires and
demons but. in reality, it is the Buffy cast who have united to go up against
the real-life First Evil and say enough is enough when it comes to misogyny and
Thanks for reading "Joss Whedon, The Real Big Bad: Behind The Scenes Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Toxic Set" on January Media.
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